Hello everyone.

Welcome to your lifting world for today! 

We are continuing our series on ‘How to Find Lasting Freedom, 

How to find freedom from any kind of problem, be it sickness, be it poverty, and be it curse. How do you gain true freedom? 

We started in part one by analyzing what people are going through, how people suffer in their marriage, in their ministry, in their career. And we concluded that the only solution is for a tree that has been cut down to find the waters. 

In this part two, we'll be looking at the blessing of Abraham, the gospel preached to Abraham in Galatians 3:8, we're told, that God preached the gospel to Abraham, saying, “In thee and in thy seed, shall all the nations of the earth be blessed in Abraham and his seed, which is Jesus Christ, all the nations have become blessed.”  And that was exactly what Christ came to do when he came here, when he died for us on the cross. By His grace, anyone experiencing curse became blessed. By His grace, He procured blessings. We have freedom from captivity. Jesus secured healings for those who are sick. He obtained deliverance for the captives. He came to bring prosperity to those who were poor. 

How do we assess what Christ has given us by grace through faith? 
Ephesians 2:8 says we are saved by grace through faith. It is the gift of God. What Christ gave us is called grace. He gave us those things without any merit, without any condition, or our path free of charge. 
But we need faith, the only response from us to be able to assess what Christ has procured for us. 

Let's look at how this played out in the scriptures. Genesis 27:13. is the story of Jacob and Esau and how Jacob's mom came and announced something to him, in verse 13. She said upon me, be thy curse, my son, only obey my voice. This was Rebecca speaking to Jacob. She heard that the dad Isaac wants to bless someone, and she gave the good news to Jacob. 

Coincidentally in Galatians 3:13, the Bible says Christ has redeemed us from the curse, just like the way Rebecca took the curse of Jacob upon herself, Christ took our curse. 
“Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the Law being made a curse for us, for it is written, curse is everyone that hung on the tree.” Christ came to take our curse. That's the good news!. That's the gospel!. 
Jacob obeyed his mom and the blessing came upon him. He was blessed in Genesis 35:10 and 11, his father said, “The Lord blessed you, be fruitful, multiply. Kings shall come out of you. You will become a great nation. You will become a mighty nation.” And that was exactly what happened to him. 

So let's see, how do we with our faith lay hold on what Christ has obtained for us? How do we navigate the Word of God to gain freedom? 
Christ has bored our curse.
That's the first thing you must realize, if you have found yourself in one problem or the other, I want you to have that good news, that Christ, free of charge by grace, has given you the solution. He has given you healing, he has given you prosperity, he has given you freedom, and all you need is faith. 
And faith comes by hearing, hearing the Word of God. As you are hearing the Word of God. As you meditate on the good news of what Christ has procured for us, you begin to find the freedom. 

That was why Christ came and preached the gospel of the kingdom. He didn't preach any other gospel. In Matthew 4:17 Jesus began to preach saying, “The kingdom of God has is near.” That means he's has arrived. He was telling the disciples, anywhere you go to preach the gospel to them, let them realize that the kingdom of God has come within them. He has come upon them. 
The blessing of God is available for everyone that is seeking solution.
 This is synonymous with the kingdom of God, the blessing of God which we have access to. No wonder, he said in Matthew 6:33, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. And all other things shall be added unto you”  As you seek the blessing of God, realizing that Christ has taken your place on the cross, knowing fully that you have gained freedom, that gives you hope, that gives you an assurance to face the future, knowing fully that that curse is no longer yours, Christ took it on the cross, and He gave you a blessing, and as you exercise your faith in the Word of God, the Lord will begin to bring to pass these things in your life. Hallelujah! 

Let's take some confessions from the Word of God. 

Please say after me. 

Galatians, 3:13 Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the Lord. Being made a curse for me, for it is written curse be everyone that hanged on the tree. 
Proverbs, 10:22, the blessing of the Lord makes me rich. It makes me rich and he adds no sorrow with it. 
Genesis, 35: 10. God has blessed me, saying, be fruitful, multiply. Kings shall come out of me. I will become a mighty nation. That is our portion in Jesus. Name, 
Luke 12:32 fear not little children, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Say, I am the kingdom of God. I am His righteousness, all other things, healings, prosperity, freedom, they are added unto me in Jesus, Mighty Name, and Amen! 

God bless you. See you next time you.

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