Hello everyone.

Welcome to your lifting world for today! 

In this life, I have found out that there is a group of people that have found themselves in one captivity or the other. They have experienced desolation, either in their marriage or career or ministry. Some of them came from a never-to-do well family. This is as a result of either a curse or divination that runs in the family. 
Some of these people are young, some are old, while some are in their midlife. These people needs freedom. They need restoration. They need renovation. They need resurrection. These are the people the Lord has sent us to.
I myself having found myself in such situations in the past, but by the grace of God, I found freedom, and I'm able, by the grace of God, to comfort you with the same comfort that I found in Christ Jesus.

Let's read from the Word of God in Job 14:7. “For there is hope for a tree if it be cut down, that it will sprout again and that the tender branch thereof will not cease, though the root thereof wax hold in the earth, and the root thereof die in the ground, yet through the scent of the water, it will bud and bring forth branches like a plant” 
The Lord described situations like this in Job 14 and proffer solution that though the tree was cut down, though it has withered, though it has even decayed, but at the scent of the waters, at the breadth of the waters, such tree can experience restoration. They can experience restoration. Such life can experience restoration.
 This is similar to what Jesus was speaking in John 4:10, where Jesus encountered the woman by the well. Jesus speaking in verse 10,” if thou knewest the gift of God and who it is that says to thee, give me to drink. Thou wouldest have asked of him, and he will have given thee living water” 
Take note of that word, water, as we experience in Job 14. Who is this water? How do one find solution? How does one come out of such captivity? 

As we go along in this series, I trust God for you. Everyone hearing me, the Lord will give you permanent solution to that problem. You are coming out of that captivity in the name of Jesus Christ. As we go along in this journey, you will experience how to use the word of God to come out by yourselves. You will experience how to work out your own salvation. And I trust God for you, your life will never remain the same again in Jesus name.

Let's take some word confessions.

 Say after me

Joel 2:25, the Lord will restore unto me all the years that the locust, the palmer worm, the cankerworms and the caterpillars have stolen. 
John 11:25 Jesus is my resurrection. Though I have experienced death, yet I shall live, because I believe in Jesus. Though I was dead, yet I will live again. 
Isaiah 60:1, I will rise and shine, for my light is come. The glory of the Lord is risen upon me. Darkness may cover the earth and gross darkness the people, but the Lord is risen upon me, and His glory shall be seen upon me. Gentiles shall come to my light and kings to the brightness of my rising. I am an eternal excellence, the joy of many generations. 
Philippians 1:6. I am confident of this very thing that He who has begun a good work in me will perform it until the day of the Lord. 
God bless you. 

I want to pray with you,

 Father. Thank you for Your word. Thank you for this Your people that You have sent me to. I have declared your word to them as we go along in this journey, that which You have achieved for them, that which you have secured, have procured for them through Christ, through His death, burial and resurrection, that freedom, they will begin to experience it this season. In the name of Jesus, I speak to every facet of your life, your marriage, your ministry, your career, you will experience total restoration. The Lord will renovate your life. It doesn't matter how hopeless the situation may be. God is giving you hope. It is a new day for you. It's a new dawn. Your lifting has come and your light begin to shine in Jesus name I pray. Amen!

God, bless you. See you next time.

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